As I was receiving an acupuncture treatment yesterday, I was inspired to start giving thanks for all my body parts, systems, organs, and more. It brought me to tears as I was meditating and asking forgiveness from my body for being harsh with it in things that I have ingested with harmful artificial foods, medications, vaccinations, and more.
Many of you know my story of having chronic fatigue for 17 years - of after 12 years of working with medical doctors being told by my MD that I needed to accept my life as it was because that was as good as it was going to get, of having my mom at that time move me toward a more eastern approach with foot zones, acupuncture, and energy work, and of me ultimately being able to connect with my inner physician and overcome the ailments that I experienced.
When I first started with acupuncture in 2007, I went for allergy elimination through NAET. I was told by the acupuncturist that I had 1,571 allergies and my response was that I didn’t even know there were that many things to be allergic to. She would clear 2-3 items in a treatment, only where most people would bounce back after 24 hours, it usually took me 3-5 days. I kept going 1-2 times per month for many years because I felt that eventually it would make a difference in the way I would feel and how my body would function and it did. I later discovered another way to energetically clear my allergies.
When people ask me about my health journey, I tell them that when western medicine ran out of answers, I experimented with multiple eastern modalities - massage, energy work, tapping, kinesiology, iridology, rapid eye movement, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, foot zones, generational healing, and more. For my personal journey, acupuncture, foot zones, and energy work including generational clearing helped me the most!
I am so grateful for acupuncture, because I got my life back from it! I can think and function clearly because of it. I have been free from chronic fatigue symptoms for almost 12 years. My experience on the table yesterday with my dear friend Sally Firmage reminded me of why acupuncture heals my body, mind, and spirit and is why I chose it for my Health Gratitude Challenge this week.