According to a study published by the National Institute of Health last week that followed 11,000+ people over a 30-year period, drinking enough water is associated with significantly lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart and lung disease, a lower risk of being biologically older than your chronic age, and a lower risk of dying early.
Volume of water recommendations have varied overtime from 8 - 8 oz. glasses, to half your body weight in ounces, to 2 liters of water before 2 pm. No matter the volume recommended, most of us are still not drinking enough to keep our bodies well hydrated. This is why the emphasis in our health gratitude challenge this week is hydration. Hydration is the replacement of body fluids lost through sweating, exhaling and elimination. On average, the body needs to replace 2-3 quarts of fluid each day. Water is your best bet for hydration, however milk, sports drinks, herbal teas, and fruits and vegetables also can help you stay hydrated. Caffeinated beverages have a diuretic effect.
In my experience as a massage therapist that focuses on lymphatic drainage, I can tell who is hydrated and who is not by the way their skins feels and how blocked the lymphatic system is. If you don’t have a good enough reason to drink water, let me give you another. Our blood plasma consists of blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and lymphatic fluid. Each of these fluids become each other and work to keep the body healthy. Where every organ and system in our bodies remains stationary, blood plasma fluids flow in and around them all. If you want to impact the health of your entire body, keep hydrated so the fluids impacting your health can work for you.
We love and are grateful for water and the way it benefits our health!