2023 Health Gratitude Challenge

We are what we think!

Rather than focusing on what is wrong with our health this year,

we want to focus on what it right.

Since 2019 we have been setting Create Your Healthiest Self goals. It began when I wanted to do 50 hikes the year before I turned 50. We’ve generally focused on goals to keep us physically fit, however this year we wanted to try something new. Our goal is to share things that we are grateful for that help build our health and stamina. Research has shown that expressing gratitude can improve mood, sleep, and immunity. Each week in 2023, we will be sharing things that we are grateful for with this Health Gratitude Challenge.

Please join in with us and share comments on our blog posts, on our Facebook and Instagram sites, or start your own blog. Let’s all start talking about things we can do to create our healthiest selves!