CST for Expectant Mom's & Newborns

Jeremy and I had the opportunity to attend a an advanced CranioSacral therapy class this past week designed for conception, pregnancy, and birth. It was a wonderful class to learn about all the amazing changes that take place in an expectant mother’s anatomy as well as the growth of the child. We were able to feel both mother and childs CranioSacral rhythm both in utero as well as in newborns. I had the opportunity to work with a mom 15.5 weeks pregnant with her 4th and on a 4 month old, Jeremy worked on mom 22 weeks along with her 8th child who hadn’t connected to her child because she has been so busy with the others and on a 6 month old. It was incredible.

This past Monday I had a client come in that I’ve worked on for several years. This was the first time in to meet her cute daughter that was born 6 weeks ago after I assisted in inducing labor through a foot zone. What a blessing to work with these brand new spirits. It is beautiful to see how moms and babies respond so favorably to CST. The central nervous system is very accepting of this gentle therapy, especially in regards to baby’s still-developing central nervous system.

Even a single session can help baby achieve priceless benefits. Additional sessions can extend and strengthen the results. Common phrases used by mothers after the first few treatments include: “good baby, alert, not fussy, at peace, and calm.” Breastfeeding seems to be more easily accomplished and parents seem to enjoy their children more.

If you are curios to see how CranioSacral therapy might help you through your journey, Jeremy and I will be offering a 50% discount off our regular prices for women trying to conceive, expectant mothers, and babies up to one year of age from now through Dec. 31, 2019. Just mention this post to receive the discount.

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This button takes you to the brochure from Upledger International that explains crainel for conception, pregnancy and birth. Feel free to look it over and pass it along to someone you know that might need it.