We just returned from a vacation in San Diego where we averaged about 18,000 steps a day, mostly from just walking on the beach. This is 2-3 times what I average daily in my normal routine. What I discovered was that even though I forgot the barrage of supplements I take everyday for joint pain & stiffness, high triglycerides, and more, my body wasn’t actually hurting. I woke up refreshed each morning without medication and without supplements - ready to tackle the day - pain free.
As I meet with individuals each day in my practice, I preach the importance of movement. During lymphatic drainage massage I tell clients that movement is one of the best ways to move lymph. Lymph is a tissue fluid that acts as your body's garbage disposal system by removing toxins from the body. This system is dependent of muscle and joint movement to pump itself upwards to the subclavian veins in the base of your neck. The majority of lymph nodes (recycling centers) are located at your joints to receive the benefit of this pumping action.
The Arthritis Foundation teaches us that “exercise gets the heart pumping, which increases blood circulation throughout your body – including your joints. As a result, the synovial membrane is exposed to a steady supply of nourishing oxygen and nutrients.” As I work with those that suffer from arthritis with CranioSacral Therapy, I see what inflammation can do to the body and how crippling it can become. Movement that increase strength and flexibility at the joints can help combat fatigue.
With my foot zone therapy clients, not only do I explain that every system & organ is located on your feet, I often talk about how many of the body meridians are located on the foot and with walking or other movement we are stimulating pressure points that aid in health.
There are so many reasons why we should be moving every day. I have never doubted that. This vacation really gave me an ah-ha moment on what it can do for me personally.