Health Coaching
AJ Bodywork will assist you in defining what wellness means for you and then focus on simple, sustainable solutions. We partner with you to identify the tools and motivation you need to improve your lifestyle and nutritional choices.
In your coaching sessions, you’ll gain insight into your full potential as we brainstorm strategies and design action steps that will help you achieve your goals. With a health coach, you receive support, encouragement, and validation as we work together in creating our healthiest self.
Reasons you may need a Wellness Coach:
Aren't as healthy as you'd like to be
Have chronic health issues
Need to reduce your stress
Don’t have enough time for yourself
Want to learn how to take advantage of your own strengths and talents
Your family needs to eat better but you aren’t sure how to accomplish that
Confused about proteins, carbs, fats and GMO foods
Want to address how emotions can impact health
Home Consultations – We’ll help you understand why what you feed yourself is important. You’ll learn a simple system of choosing what foods to eat and what foods should be avoided.
Smart Shopping Trips - Receive personalized attention during this fun shopping trip to find out some tricks of navigating through your favorite grocery store.