“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
“If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
“Science has discovered that every cell, tissue, and organ of the body is 98% energy that resonates with a unique frequency and vibration.”
Each cell and organ in the body has its own distinct frequency that creates a harmonious symphony when every part is working as it was designed. However, when these frequencies fall into chaos, whether by injury, emotion, diet, or stress, it creates a disruption that is often so profound that we can carry the scars for life.
What if there was a way you could identify and restore the optimum frequencies of the cells, tissues, and organs in your body to a state of balance and harmony?
Over the past 50 years, leading scientists from around the globe have cataloged thousands of frequencies that are the same in every healthy human being. The AO Scan digital body analyzer interprets your resonance signals and then compares them to their database of over 120,000 unique blueprint frequencies to measure your organ and tissue health. This voice activated technology produces reports that display the variance and then creates harmonics that emit opposing frequencies that disable chaotic dissonance and help balance, clear, and transmute toxic energy as you listen to them. The result of using the AO Scan is movement towards a balanced body.
The AO Scan technology has multiple components:
Quick Scan - In just 10 seconds, this program scans your body and records your voice to educate you on where supplementation may help.
Inner Voice - This program analyzes over 2,000 frequencies across 12 notes in a 10-second recording of your voice and instantly generates a report with four Balancing Harmonics music files. Each file contains frequencies, tones, and binaural beats that are personalized to your emotional state at that moment.
Vitals - The vitals scan provides an educational snapshot of the energetic state of your blood biology and sends frequencies to the areas that are out of range.
Comprehensive - This program combines the inner voice and vitals scans for a comprehensive look at how the imbalances may be affecting your body and again sends frequencies to bring the body closer to homeostasis.
Body Systems - This program scans and optimizes the following body systems: Circulatory, connective tissue, digestive, endocrine, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, sensory nervous, integumentary, urinary, chromosomes, human cell and mitochondria, and hormones.
Subtle Energy Frequency Imprinter - SEFI includes tools to erase negative objects and water, copy and imprint frequencies from one object to another, imprint frequencies to wearable or edible items, and broadcast to anyone in the world.
AO MindSync - Since the most important voice is your own, this program allows you to record powerful custom affirmations and play them back to cross over your conscious barrier.
Your voice will always tell the truth
*AO Scan Technology is not a medical device. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Statements about this technology have not been evaluated by the FDA.